Together, Hideko Tsubata and her husband, Japanese architect Shuichi, forged a nature-inspired life in the home they designed and built on a hectare of land. They live with very little outside inputs – the majority of their pantry is stocked from their large garden. Their home, their garden – how they live their lives each day – has been intentionally crafted. Their life-crafting even includes the objects they use each day… from cooking and fermenting pots to the plates – see how they have consciously lived their lives as an ongoing, continuous work of art.
We are excited to be partnering with Nana Cardoon to host a screening of Life is Fruity, a gorgeous and very inspiring movie about Hideko and Shuichi. Following the screening, we will put out a spread where you can build your own noodle bowl from a whole bunch of delicious seasonal ingredients.
Life is Fruity
Showtime: 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Price: Donation
From Umi Organic
When: After the movie
Price: $10.00