Together, Hideko Tsubata and her husband, Japanese architect Shuichi, forged a nature-inspired life in the home they designed and built on a hectare of and. They live with very few outside inputs—the majority of their pantry is stocked from their garden.
Their home, their garden, how they live their lives each day, has been intentional crafted. Their life-crafting even includes the objects they use each day, from cooking and fermentation pots to their plates. In the stunning documentary Life is Fruity, see how they have consciously lived their lives as an ongoing, continuous work of art. This screening is hosted by Nana Cardoon.
Price for Entry: Sliding Scale Donation
After the movie, we’ll have a noodle buffet where you can serve yourself Umi Noodles in miso sesame sauce and any number of toppings prepared by Nana Cardoon. Suggested donation for food: $10.