“We are a working family that loves a quick, delicious meal that incorporates some healthy vegetables with little effort. So happy to have Umi noodles and sauce to make dinner so easy. This was just cut vegetables - some raw some sauteed - added to the delicious sauce at the maker’s choosing!”
Recipe by Ayla Ercin
Born in Elwood City, Pennsylvania
Lives in Portland, Oregon
Profession: Noodle Entrepreneur and Business Lawyer
Leisure: Listen to books on tape
Word of the day? Maitake
Childhood cuisine: Swung back and forth between grandma's over reliance on beans and franks, dad's Turkish cooking, and mom's cookbook explorations
Umi Notes: Ayla helped us launch Umi, and we have seen first hand how hard she works in multiple jobs and as a parent. She’s the inspiration for Noodle Night! That’s when you prepare simple toppings and let everyone in the family build their own bowl! It means picky eaters and adventurous ones alike can have a meal they love. Our Noodles with Miso Sesame Sauce kit is a perfect foundation. They cook in just 2 minute, and the fresh organic sauce is ready to go. Here is a series of toppings Ayla and her family prepped together one night. We hope it can be inspiration for you as you begin creating your own topping bars and your own noodle traditions.
Active time: 30 minutes | Difficulty: Easy | Makes 4 servings
1/2 bunch red radishes or 1 cucumber, washed and sliced
1 bell pepper, seeds and stem removed, sliced
1 cup frozen edamame, steamed or microwaved
1 bunch chard, washed, sliced, and sautéed
1/2 pound shiitake, sliced and sautéed
2 packages Umi Organic Noodles with Miso Sesame Sauce
Optional additions:
Chili oil
Sliced green onion
Toasted sesame seeds or peanuts
2 pieces fried tofu (or substitute soft-boiled egg, pan-fried tempeh, shredded chicken, or whatever you’d like)
Fresh cilantro
Whatever you like!
Start heating a large pot of water over high heat.
Prep your toppings. Place each in its own bowl and set on the table.
Tease apart the noodles and drop into the boiling water. Start a timer for 2 minutes. Stir occasionally to loosen the noodles. When the timer rings, drain the noodles in the colander and rinse briefly under cold running water. If you want a hot noodle bowl, shake out the water thoroughly and proceed. If you want a cold noodle salad, continue rinsing under cold water until cool to the touch.
Add noodles to a bowl and toss with Miso Sesame Sauce. Set on the table. Give each person their own bowl and invite them to take noodles and toppings to their heart’s content! Happy Noodle Night!
Photo by Shawn Linehan.