Our Noodles with Miso Sesame Sauce kit is inspired by the Japanese dish Hiyashi Chuka, a cold ramen salad that highlights the chewiness of our ramen noodles and features seasonal vegetables like tomato, green beans, and cucumber. It’s super easy to make and a great template for a refreshing meal.
Read moreChris' Pozole Ramen!
This recipe brings together our friend Chris’ smoky chili Pozole to the People broth with our ramen noodles! Why add ramen noodles to an already totally delicious dish? You have to love noodles, but if you do, the way the chili broth plays with them is something not to be missed! And honestly this is a completely satisfying meal that takes maybe 15 minutes to make. It will be like you were cooking all day, but actually, it was Chris who was!
Read moreNikki's Ground Turkey with Smoky Coffee Chili Oil and Umi Noodles
This dish is smokey, salty, rich and sweet. It’s comforting and at the same time refreshing because of the fresh herbs. It’s great with any type of ground meat: try pork, chicken, or even tempeh. It whips together in about 20 minutes but has great complexity of flavor, falling into the category: I could eat this every day.
Read moreAnna's Crispy Green Noodle Cake with Spring Radishes and Dipping Sauce
It was only appropriate that Anna Henricks, master of cakes, would make a noodle cake for us! Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside, full of fresh herbs and great with a side of crunchy radish, this dish is perfect brunch food. It has elements reminiscent of dumplings, tortilla espanola, kugel, scallion pancakes. Whatever this cake is, we’ll take it, and with a side of flowers, please!
Read moreAli's Super Simple Sweet Chili Broccoli and Noodles
What we love about this recipe is its simplicity. “Quick, effective, and tasty!” as Ali says. It utilizes one of our all-time favorite cooking tricks: blanching broccoli, raab, or greens in boiling water at the same time you cook the noodles. They turn out perfectly cooked, and you have one less dish to wash. Since Umi noodles are naturally high in protein, this can be the simplest dinner of your week.
Read moreGrüne Soße Ramen
All over the world, springtime foods are about renewal, about fresh eggs, and the new green things sprouting from warming soil. In Frankfurt, Germany, this is celebrated with Grüne Soße, or green sauce, made with seven herbs: chives, borage, chervil, cress, parsley, sorrel, and burnet. In Hesse, this creamy sauce is served with boiled eggs and potatoes, but I think chewy Umi Organic ramen noodles are a perfect stand-in for the potatoes and that the sauce blends beautifully with chicken broth for a lovely, bright green soup.
Read moreTsukune Miso Ramen (aka Holiday Ramen)
This ramen is such a great way to use up holiday leftovers. You’ve probably got stuff like mushrooms and green beans already in your fridge as we speak! In this case I’ve made the tsukune with ground turkey, but you could use ground chicken or pork, or your favorite vegetarian meatball.
Read more9 Noodle Salads to Whip Up on Hot Summer Days
We know it’s hard to believe, but ramen noodles are not only for the cold months! In fact, their chewiness shines in salads, where you can tangle them up with crunchy vegetables and have a meal that tastes great even in the heat. Here are 9 noodle salad recipes we turn to regularly in the summer.
Read more3 Breakfast Ramens to Make Your Morning Great
Cooking Umi noodles is as quick and easy as boiling water and waiting two minutes. I do that every morning when I make coffee and toast bread. Thus was born the idea of Breakfast Ramen, a simple, satisfying breakfast where our noodles take the place of toast. Plus Umi nodles are chock full of protein, fiber, and iron, so you get all that extra nutrition to fuel you through your day.
Read more6 Simple Miso + Noodle Dishes that Deeply Satisfy
Miso and noodles belong together. Here are 6 recipes we turn to on the regular for simple weeknight meals that deliver a huge amount of satisfaction while also making us feel great.
Read moreLagman Ramen
Fortified with smoky lapsang souchong tea and blue fenugreek, this savory, traditional Central Asian meat-noodle soup is even heartier with Umi Organic ramen noodles. Though the dish comes from Central Asia, the name “lagman” comes from the same Chinese root word as ramen (lamian), making these two dishes ready for their Mongol-Turkic family reunion.
Read moreMiso Chowder
A Japanese take on a classic home cooked fish chowder, with a cloudy, creamy broth and lots of fall vegetables. It’s comforting to its core.
Read moreHome-style Tantan-men
A speedy, simple version of the classic Tantan Men. Somewhere between a soup and a saucy noodle, this version is super easy to whip up and very satisfying, hitting all kinds of rich and deep notes thanks to ground pork, tahini and miso. It feels very much like classic Japanese home cooking. The dried shiitakes are an especially nice addition.
Read moreBreakfast Ramen with Avocado
We are going super simple with this breakfast ramen. You can literally make this on a weekday as quickly as you boil coffee and toast bread. Here is your no-fuss breakfast, full of healthy fats, high fiber and protein. Plus it tastes great. Enjoy!
Read moreBreakfast Ramen with Creamy Avocado Sauce aka "Avocado Toast" Noodles
Here’s our spin on avocado toast! Toss our protein, fiber, and iron rich noodles in a creamy avocado sauce that is reminiscent of pesto, creamy like alfredo, and full of all the good healthy fats and fiber that make avocado such a good start to your day.
Read moreBreakfast Ramen with Bacon, Eggs and Potatoes
Weekend brunch, noodle style! Here, bacon, homemade hash browns, and perfectly fried eggs top a bowl of Umi noodles dressed simply in butter and soy sauce. We take the best parts of an old standard and boost the fun.
Read moreChili Garlic Noodles
Shallots and garlic simmered in ample olive oil and then combined with fish sauce, roasted red peppers, and chilies, heaped on a pile of noodles dressed with just soy sauce, vinegar, and honey. It turns out it tastes even more luxurious and addictive than it sounds.
Read moreKimchi Noodle Salad
A spicy, crunchy, delicious summer salad recipe shared with us by our friend Kathleen Bauer. Whip together the dressing in a blender, top with kimchi and crunchy cucumber, and you have a standout meal!
Read moreBibim Guksu with Kimchi
This sweet-sour-spicy cold Korean noodle dish is usually made with sweet potato noodles, but chewy Umi Organic ramen noodles are a serious upgrade. Korean cucumbers are ideal for this, but feel free to substitute Persian or English cucumber (a regular slicing cuke can also be used, but peel and seed it first). My sneaky trick for substantially expediting this meal is using a mandoline with a julienne blade!
Read moreCold Sesame Noodle Salad
This 20-minute dish was inspired by the fried chicken salad at Basilisk in Portland, but it’s equally good (maybe even better!) as a vegetarian meal with fried tofu. Leave off the egg and it’s vegan. It’s fast, satisfying, and perfect for a hot day.
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